Source code for pymepps.grid.grid

#!/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#Created on 10.04.17
#Created for pymepps
#@author: Tobias Sebastian Finn,
#    Copyright (C) {2017}  {Tobias Sebastian Finn}
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# System modules
import logging
import abc
from copy import deepcopy

# External modules
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import interp
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

# Internal modules
import pymepps

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

known_units = {
    'deg': lambda x: x,
    'rad': lambda x: x*180/np.pi,

[docs]class Grid(object): """ The base class for every grid type. """ # TODO: Normalize lon lat values. def __init__(self, grid_dict): self._lat_lon = None self._grid_dict = None self.__nr_coords = 2 def __str__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ grid_dict = '\n'.join( '{0:s} = {1:s}'.format( k, str(self._grid_dict[k])) for k in self._grid_dict if 'vals' not in k) return_str = '{0:s}\n{1:s}\n{2:s}'.format( name, '-'*len(name), grid_dict) return return_str def __eq__(self, other): try: left = np.array(self.raw_lat_lon()) right = np.array(other.raw_lat_lon()) except AttributeError: return False return np.array_equal(left, right)
[docs] def copy(self): return deepcopy(self)
@property def len_coords(self): """ Get the number of coordinates for this grid. Returns ------- len_coords: int Number of coordinates for this grid. """ return self.__nr_coords
[docs] def get_coords(self): """ Get the coordinates in a xarray-compatible way. Returns ------- coords: dict(str, (str, numpy.ndarray)) The coordinates in a xarray compatible coordinates format. The key is the coordinate name. The coordinates have as value a tuple with their own name, indicating that the they are self-describing, and the coordinate values as numpy array. """ dim_vals = self._construct_dim() dim_names = self.get_coord_names() if isinstance(dim_vals, tuple): coords = {name: ((name,), dim_vals[k]) for k, name in enumerate(dim_names)} elif isinstance(dim_vals, np.ndarray): coords = {name: ((name,), dim_vals) for k, name in enumerate(dim_names)} else: TypeError('The return value of construct dim has to be a tuple or ' 'numpy array!') return coords
@abc.abstractmethod def _construct_dim(self): pass @property def raw_dim(self): """ Get the raw dimension values, as they are constructed by the grid description. Returns ------- constructed_dim: tuple(numpy.ndarray) or numpy.ndarray The constructed dimensions. Depending on the given grid type, it is either a tuple of arrays or a single array. """ return self._construct_dim() @property def shape(self): return [len(dim) for dim in self._construct_dim()] @property def lat_lon(self): """ Get latitudes and longitudes for every grid point as xarray.Dataset. Returns ------- lat_lon: xarray.Dataset The latitude and longitude values for every grid point as xarray.Dataset with latitude and longitude as variables. """ if self._lat_lon is None: self._lat_lon = self._get_lat_lon() return self._lat_lon def _get_lat_lon(self): coords = self.get_coords() lat, lon = self._calc_lat_lon() ds = xr.Dataset( { 'latitude': ( (self._grid_dict['yname'], self._grid_dict['xname']), lat), 'longitude': ( (self._grid_dict['yname'], self._grid_dict['xname']), lon), }, coords=coords ) return ds @abc.abstractmethod def _calc_lat_lon(self): pass
[docs] def raw_lat_lon(self): return self._calc_lat_lon()
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_lat_lon(lat, lon, data=None): """ The given coordinates will be normalized and reorder into basemap conform coordinates. If the longitude values are between 0° and 360°, they will be normalized to values between -180° and 180°. Then the coordinates will be reorder, such that they are in an increasing order. Parameters ---------- lat : numpy.ndarray The latitude values. They are representing the first data dimension. lon : numpy.ndarray The longitude values. They are representing the second data dimension. data : numpy.ndarray, xarray.DataArray or None, optional The data values. They will be also reordered by lat and lon. If this is None, only lat and lon will be reordered and returned. Default is None. Returns ------- ordered_lat : numpy.ndarray Ordered latitude values. ordered_lon : numpy.ndarray Ordered and normalized longitude values. ordered_data : numpy.ndarray, xarray.DataArray or None The orderd data based on given latitudes and longitudes. This is None if no other data was given as parameter. """ while np.any(lon > 180): lon[lon > 180] -= 360 sort_order_lat = np.argsort(lat, 0) sort_order_lon = np.argsort(lon, 1) if data is None: ordered_data = None else: ordered_data = data[..., sort_order_lat, sort_order_lon] ordered_lat = lat[sort_order_lat, sort_order_lon] ordered_lon = lon[sort_order_lat, sort_order_lon] return ordered_lat, ordered_lon, ordered_data
[docs] def get_coord_names(self): """ Returns the name of the coordinates. Returns ------- yname : str The name of the y-dimension. xname : str The name of the x-dimension """ return self._grid_dict['yname'], self._grid_dict['xname']
def _interpolate_unstructured(self, data, src_lat, src_lon, trg_lat, trg_lon, order=0): """ The interpolation is done with scipy.interpolate.griddata. """ if order == 1: method = 'linear' else: method = 'nearest' reshaped_data = data.reshape((-1, src_lat.size)) unravel_shape = data.shape[:-self.len_coords] src_lat = src_lat.ravel() src_lon = src_lon.ravel() src_coords = np.concatenate((src_lat, src_lon), axis=1) unravel_shape = tuple(list(unravel_shape)+list(trg_lat.shape)) remapped_data = np.zeros((reshaped_data.shape[0], trg_lat.size)) trg_lat = trg_lat.ravel() trg_lon = trg_lon.ravel() trg_coords = np.concatenate((trg_lat, trg_lon), axis=1) for i in range(reshaped_data.shape[0]): sliced_array = reshaped_data[i, :] remapped_data[i, :] = griddata(src_coords, sliced_array, trg_coords, method=method) remapped_data = remapped_data.reshape(unravel_shape) remapped_data = np.atleast_1d(remapped_data) return remapped_data def _interpolate_structured(self, data, src_lat, src_lon, trg_lat, trg_lon, order=0): """ Interpolate structured data with basemap.interp function. """ reshaped_data = data.reshape((-1, data.shape[-2], data.shape[-1])) remapped_data = np.zeros( (reshaped_data.shape[0], trg_lat.shape[-2], trg_lat.shape[-1])) for i in range(reshaped_data.shape[0]): sliced_array = reshaped_data[i, :, :] remapped_data[i, :, :] = interp(sliced_array.T, src_lat, src_lon, trg_lat, trg_lon, order=order) remapped_shape = list(data.shape[:-2])+list(remapped_data.shape[-2:]) remapped_data = remapped_data.reshape(remapped_shape) remapped_data = np.atleast_2d(remapped_data) return remapped_data
[docs] def interpolate(self, data, other_grid, order=0): """ Interpolate the given data to the given other grid. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray or xarray.DataArray This data is used for the interpolation. The shape of data's grid axis needs to be the same as this grid. other_grid : Grid instance The other_grid is used as target grid for the interpolation. order : int, optional Specifies the interpolation order, based on basemap.interp order. 0. order: nearest neighbour 1. order: bilinear interpolation Returns ------- remapped_data : numpy.ndarray or xarray.DataArray The remapped data with the same type as the input data. If the input data is a xarray.DataArray the output data will use the same attributes and non-grid dimensions as the input data. """ if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray): data_values = data.values else: data_values = data src_lat, src_lon = self._calc_lat_lon() if data_values.shape[-self.len_coords:] != src_lat.shape: raise ValueError( 'The last {0:d} dimensions of the data needs the same shape as ' 'the coordinates of this grid!'.format()) src_lat, src_lon, data_values = self.normalize_lat_lon( src_lat, src_lon, data_values) try: trg_lat, trg_lon = other_grid.raw_lat_lon() except AttributeError: raise TypeError('other_grid has to be a child instance of Grid!') trg_lat, trg_lon, _ = self.normalize_lat_lon(trg_lat, trg_lon) if min((self.len_coords, other_grid.len_coords)) == 1: remapped_data = self._interpolate_unstructured( data_values, src_lat, src_lon, trg_lat, trg_lon, order=order) else: remapped_data = self._interpolate_structured( data_values, src_lat[:, 0], src_lon[0, :], trg_lat, trg_lon, order=order) if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray): data_dims = [dim for dim in data.dims if dim not in self.get_coord_names()] data_coords = {dim: data.coords[dim] for dim in data_dims} data_coords.update(other_grid.get_coords()) data_dims.extend(other_grid.get_coord_names()) remapped_data = xr.DataArray( remapped_data, coords=data_coords, dims=data_dims, attrs=data.attrs ) return remapped_data
[docs] def nearest_point(self, coord): src_lat, src_lon = self._calc_lat_lon() calc_distance = distance_haversine( coord, (src_lat.flatten(), src_lon.flatten())) nearest_ind = np.unravel_index(calc_distance.argmin(), src_lat.shape) return nearest_ind
[docs] def get_nearest_point(self, data, coord): """ Get the nearest neighbour grid point for a given coordinate. The distance between the grid points and the given coordinates is calculated with the haversine formula. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.array or xarray.DataArray The return value is extracted from this array. The array should have at least two dimensions. If the array has more than two dimensions the last two dimensions will be used as horizontal grid dimensions. coord : tuple(float, float) The data of the nearest grid point to this coordinate (latitude, longitude) will be returned. The coordinate should be in degree. Returns ------- nearest_data : numpy.ndarray or xarray.DataArray The extracted data for the nearest neighbour grid point. The dimensions of this array are the same as the input data array without the horizontal coordinate dimensions. There is at least one dimension. """ src_lat, src_lon = self._calc_lat_lon() if data.shape[-self.len_coords:] != src_lat.shape: raise ValueError( 'The last two dimension of the data needs the same shape as ' 'the coordinates of this grid!') nearest_ind = self.nearest_point(coord) if self.len_coords == 1: nearest_data = data[..., nearest_ind[0]] else: nearest_data = data[..., nearest_ind[0], nearest_ind[1]] if isinstance(nearest_data, np.ndarray): nearest_data = np.atleast_1d(nearest_data) return nearest_data
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def lonlatbox(self, data, ll_box): """ Slice a lonlatbox from the given data. """ pass
def _lonlatbox(self, data, ll_box, unstructured=False): """ The data is sliced as grid with given lonlat box. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray or xarray.DataArray The data which should be sliced. The shape of the last two dimensions should be the same as the grid dimensions. ll_box : tuple(float) The longitude and latitude box with four entries as degree. The entries are handled in the following way: (left/west, top/north, right/east, bottom/south) unstructured : bool, optional If the output grid should be unstructured. Returns ------- sliced_data : numpy.ndarray or xarray.DataArray The sliced data with the same type as the input data. If the input data is a xarray.DataArray the output data will use the same attributes and non-grid dimensions as the input data. sliced_grid : Grid A new child instance of Grid with the sliced coordinates as values. """ if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray): data_values = data.values else: data_values = data src_lat, src_lon = self._calc_lat_lon() if data_values.shape[-self.len_coords:] != src_lat.shape: raise ValueError( 'The last two dimension of the data needs the same shape as ' 'the coordinates of this grid!') if unstructured: sliced_data, new_grid_dict = self._unstructured_box(data_values, ll_box) else: sliced_data, new_grid_dict = self._structured_box(data_values, ll_box) sliced_grid = pymepps.GridBuilder(new_grid_dict).build_grid() if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray): data_dims = [dim for dim in data.dims if dim not in self.get_coord_names()] data_coords = {dim: data.coords[dim] for dim in data_dims} data_coords.update(sliced_grid.get_coords()) data_dims.extend(sliced_grid.get_coord_names()) sliced_data = xr.DataArray( sliced_data, coords=data_coords, dims=data_dims, attrs=data.attrs ) return sliced_data, sliced_grid def _structured_box(self, data, ll_box): calc_lat, calc_lon = self._construct_dim() if not len(ll_box) == 4: raise ValueError( 'The latitude-longitude box doesn\'t have a length of 4, ' 'instead the length is: {0:d}'.format(len(ll_box))) lon_box = (ll_box[0], ll_box[2]) lat_box = (ll_box[1], ll_box[3]) lat_bound = np.logical_and( calc_lat >= np.min(lat_box), calc_lat <= np.max(lat_box) ) lon_bound = np.logical_and( calc_lon >= np.min(lon_box), calc_lon <= np.max(lon_box) ) sliced_data = data[..., lat_bound, :][..., lon_bound] lat_vals = calc_lat[lat_bound] lon_vals = calc_lon[lon_bound] new_grid_dict = deepcopy(self._grid_dict) new_grid_dict['ysize'] = len(lat_vals) new_grid_dict['xsize'] = len(lon_vals) new_grid_dict['yvals'] = list(lat_vals) new_grid_dict['xvals'] = list(lon_vals) keys_to_del = ['yfirst', 'yinc', 'xfirst', 'xinc'] [new_grid_dict.pop(k, None) for k in keys_to_del] return sliced_data, new_grid_dict def _unstructured_box(self, data, ll_box): calc_lat, calc_lon = self._calc_lat_lon() if data.shape[-self.len_coords:] != calc_lat.shape: raise ValueError( 'The last dimension(s) of the data needs the same shape as ' 'the coordinates of this grid!') if not len(ll_box) == 4: raise ValueError( 'The latitude-longitude box doesn\'t have a length of 4, ' 'instead the length is: {0:d}'.format(len(ll_box))) lon_box = (ll_box[0], ll_box[2]) lat_box = (ll_box[1], ll_box[3]) bound = np.all(( calc_lat >= np.min(lat_box), calc_lat <= np.max(lat_box), calc_lon >= np.min(lon_box), calc_lon <= np.max(lon_box) ), axis=0) if np.sum(bound) == 0: raise ValueError('Only an empty array remains, please choose ' 'another longitude-latitude box!') sliced_data = data[..., bound] lat_vals = calc_lat[bound] lon_vals = calc_lon[bound] # Construct a unstructured grid new_grid_dict = dict( gridtype='unstructured', xlongname='longitude', xname='lon', xunits='degrees', ylongname='latitude', yname='lat', yunits='degrees',) new_grid_dict['gridsize'] = len(lat_vals) new_grid_dict['yvals'] = list(lat_vals) new_grid_dict['xvals'] = list(lon_vals) return sliced_data, new_grid_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_to_deg(field, unit): """ Method to convert given field with given unit into degree. Parameters ---------- field unit Returns ------- """ try: calculated_field = [known_units[known](field) for known in known_units if known in unit.lower()][0] except IndexError: raise ValueError('There is no calculating rule for the given unit ' '{0:s} defined yet!'.format(unit)) return calculated_field
[docs]def distance_haversine(p1, p2): """ Calculate the great circle distance between two points on the earth. The formula is based on the haversine formula [1]_. Parameters ---------- p1 : tuple (array_like, array_like) The coordinates (latitude, longitude) of the first point in degrees. p2 : tuple (array_like, array_like) The coordinates (latitude, longitude) of the second point in degrees. Returns ------- d : float The calculated haversine distance in meters. Notes ----- Script based on: References ---------- .. [1] de Mendoza y Ríos, Memoria sobre algunos métodos nuevos de calcular la longitud por las distancias lunares: y aplication de su teórica á la solucion de otros problemas de navegacion, 1795. """ lat1, lon1 = p1 lat2, lon2 = p2 R = 6371E3 lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 = map(np.deg2rad, [lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2]) dlon = lon2 - lon1 dlat = lat2 - lat1 a = np.sin(dlat/2.0)**2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(dlon/2.0)**2 c = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(a)) d = R * c return d